Intro To Teams Online Schedule for KG1.KG2 and KG3
Dear Parents of KG1.KG2 and KG3
(Trilingual Section)
In order to begin online sessions on Monday, October 12, 2020,
You can find below:
– An introduction to Microsoft Teams usage: intro to Teams
– The class lists KG1A , KG1B , KG2A , KG2B , KG2C , KG3A , KG3B , KG3C.
-The lists of e-mail addresses and passwords to be used by students (one time password):user password List KG1….KG3
-The schedule of the classes (Teams) class schedule KG1 – KG2 – KG3
Important :Kindly notice that the students are divided into 2 or 3 groups inside the same class . Every group has its own schedule.
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